Gardenia Propagation

Gardenia belongs to the Rubiaceae. An important part of propagating gardenias successfully is ensuring that the gardenia cuttings stay in hi...

Gardenia Jasminoides Care

Use a high nitrogen liquid feed every week in spring and summer. It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

Kalanchoe Flapjacks Succulent

The succulent Kalanchoe luciae Flapjack is one of the most dramatic looking plants I have in my garden. Leaves are fleshy wedge-shaped or pa...

How Often Do You Water Pothos

How Often Should I Water Pothos Plant. 2-3x as often is a good starting.

How Often Should You Water Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Water only when the top 3-4 inches of soil is dry. For plants that are greater than 2 feet tall water with 2 cups of water each week.

Gardenia Food Products

Gardenia Bakeries KL Home Page. It offers a wide array of high quality bakery product including white and wheat breads health bread flavoure...

Painted Leaf Begonia Flowers

Begonia Rex Cultorum Group or Begonia rex as it used to be earlier recognized as is the Rex Begonia also regarded as Painted Leaf Begonia Ki...

Michael Kors Gardenia

It is a white gardenia smell and it is a very appealing one. Roll-on bottle and also a 1 oz.

How To Shape Bonsai

There are two different techniques. July 1 2019 Posted by JEC Bonsai Shaping Flowering Bonsai No Comments.

Rare Anthurium Varieties

If the light is low your plant will show little if any growth there wont be any flowering. Real blue varieties cannot be purchased in the ma...